It was a blast of an adventure spending summers on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.  A lot of time was spent surfing the giant waves at South Beach, fishing off the boat or playing tennis with friends.

The SHARK SHIRT’s evolution began on the Vineyard, where small sand sharks are found swimming off calmer beaches and great whites are found swimming further out.  All these sharks swimming around surely led to the movie "JAWS" being filmed here.   

People often wore Alligator shirts, yet a great Shark shirt always seemed like it would be much “cooler".

Sharks are respected for having great form and mighty capabilities. 

The shark is a great cautionary reminder to be concerned, guarded and to do our best, to recognize we are  within a Challenging and Competitive world.  

The shark is a great sporting symbol for having the Inspiration and Enthusiasm to go after our Priorities, with the Drive, Determination, Passion and Perseverance to strive to be at our Greatest and to do Great Things for the people and society we really care about in order to get the Great Things that we Really Want, to Tackle our Challenges with Great Solutions, to be Strategic and Thoughtful, with a Positive and Aggressively Outgoing Attitude, with a Great Vision and a Great Plan, to Think Independently for Ourselves, to Stand up for Ourselves and Fight for our Interests, to stay in Control of our Actions, to Think Critically about our Decisions to avoid the Hazards, to Challenge the Status quo, with a Desire to Succeed and a Dread of Failure, to Appreciate our Allies and our Opportunities, to be Connected with a Force for Greatness, to Toughen up and Pull it Together, to be more Rugged and Capable, more Bold and Brave, more Engaged and Immersed, more Excited and Energized, more Exhilarated and Invigorated to Take Action to make Great Things Happen.

Likewise, the SHARK SHIRTs are all about having a positive and outgoing attitude, to strive to be at our mightiest best and to make great things happen, to have a great time.        

After working on many shirt designs with a great sporting fit, SHARK SHIRT USA was launched in 2012.


Austin Walsh